Members enjoy attendance at our bi-weekly programs, participation in group portfolio reviews and member exhibits, special member rates on classes, discounts at participating photography merchants, email reminders of meetings and other events and a newsletter with free classified ad options. Memberships make great holiday gifts! Listed below are the available CPM membership levels and their yearly rates. Donations are always welcome. $36 Student, $50 Senior, $80 Senior Household, $70 Individual, $100 Household, $250 Sponsor and $360 Key Membership *
At the present time, membership forms can be obtained at:
This section of the web site is under construction and soon will provide a downloadable pdf copy of the registration form and an option to pay membership fees on-line.
Key Membership. A key member is offered to established members for $360 per year. The membership provides you with a key to the facility and open use of the darkroom, studio space at any time of the day or week that is not scheduled for regular meetings, classes and workshops. Members who are facile with darkroom printing and developing needing no supervision, who need occasional studio space for shooting, or members wishing to process and print images are welcome.
For more information or e-mail and address changes, contact CPM (