PhotoMidwest 2010 Sponsored by CPM.
CPM's Sixth Biennial PhotoMidwest Is Coming In October, 2010.
Guest speakers include Sam Abell, Ted Orland and Kevin Miyazaki. Events will include workshops, portfolio reviews and gallery exhibits.
For all the details, see http://www.photomidwest.org
Image by Sam Abell
Gathering Waters Conservancy's 2010 Photo Contest
Branch, Leaf, Blossom. Photographic Exhibition Sponsored by CPM.
The Center for Photography at Madison announces a juried show of photography, Branch, Leaf, Blossom. The exhibit is open to members and non-members alike who are invited to submit tree images photographed in the UW-Madison Arboretum, in Madison and/or in Wisconsin. The images may be from any season, and can range from a full forest to the smallest detail such as a flower petal, leaf or seed.
Juried Exhibition: Accepted works will be exhibited at the Steinhauer Trust Gallery at the UW-Madison Arboretum, 1207 Seminole Highway, Madison, Wisconsin.
Juror: William Guion has photographed the landscape of the South and West for more than 30 years. Through his camera’s lens, he explores the quiet presence, or spirit of place, revealed in the changing moods of light on the land. A sampling of the first decade of this body of work is contained in his first book, Heartwood, Meditations on Southern Oaks, published by Bulfinch/Little Brown Press. His second, self-published book, titled Heartwood, Further Meditations on Oaks, contains work from the past decade, images from Louisiana and California’s Central Coast. Guion’s photographs are included in a variety of corporate and private collections across the country as well as the public collections of the Louisiana Folklife Museum and the New Orleans Museum of Art.
Awards: There will be cash prizes totaling $250.00.
Specifications: All photographs including black and white, color, and computer manipulated are eligible as well as mixed media works based on photography. Submissions must be entered on a CD. E-mail entries will not be accepted.
Entries: All entries must be on a CD labeled with your name. Images on the CD should be provided in JPG format 4x6 at 300 dpi. Label each image file on the disk with your three initials and the number that corresponds to the title of the work on your entry form
(e.g. JHW1 “Branch,” JHW2 “Leaf,” JHW3 “Blossom.”)
Mailing: Use the entry form provided or a photocopy of the form and include it with your entry fee and CD. Please type or print all information clearly. Checks or money orders accepted, no credit cards. Address entries to Branch, Leaf, Blossom, c/o CPM,
PO Box 56022, Madison WI 53705-9322.
Fees: The total fee for CPM members is $25.00 whether 1, 2, or 3 pieces are submitted. The total fee for non-members is $35.00 whether 1, 2, or 3 pieces are submitted. Additional pieces may be submitted for a fee of $10.00 per image. Membership information is available at our website: www.cpmad.org
September 1 – October 15, 2010 – Open for entries.
October 15, 2010 – Entries and payment must be received by October 15th.
November 15, 2010 – The photographers will be notified whether or not their images were accepted.
January 2, 2011 – The accepted work must arrive at the Arboretum (1207 Seminole Highway, Madison, Wisconsin) between 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.
January 9, 2011 – An opening reception will take place at the Steinhauer Trust Gallery at the UW-Madison Arboretum from 1:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.
February 27, 2011 – The photographs will be taken down. Participants must pick up their work at the Arboretum between 1:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. There will be a fee for transport and storage of any photos not picked up.
Presentation of work: All work must be professionally framed and wired for hanging (no saw-tooth hangers). Hand delivered work may be under glass or acrylic. Acrylic must be used instead of glass for SHIPPED work to prevent breakage. Larger work (the length or the width exceeds 36 inches) must be framed with acrylic or nothing; no glass for safety reasons. No frame will exceed 36 inches width or height. Label each piece on the back, lower right corner, with the artist’s name, title, phone number, and price. Please notify us on your entry form if you need to ship your work and we will supply special directions for doing so including where to ship it. NO work is shipped to the Arboretum.
Sales: CPM will manage all sales. All the framed work needs to remain hanging through the entire show. A 20% commission will go to the Arboretum.
Liability: Insurance during transit and during the show is the responsibility of the artist. The Center for Photography at Madison assumes no liability for theft or damage of the photographic work.
The Center for Photography at Madison reserves the right to reprint or to electronically reproduce any accepted works for promotional purposes. The artists retain all other rights. Submission of an entry to this competition implies acceptance of all conditions here stated.
If you have questions please contact Becky McKenzie at: becky@mckenziefam.com.
National Juried Photography Exhibition at The Steenbock Gallery
February 28 - April 8, 2011
sponsored by
The Center for Photography at Madison.
Entry Deadline: November 15, 2010
The Center for Photography at Madison is pleased to issue the call for our first juried national exhibition at the Steenbock Gallery. As Madison's primary photographic arts organization, we are pleased to partner with Andy Adams of FlakPhoto.com in presenting an exhibition of contemporary photography that will offer chosen photographers an opportunity to exhibit in Madison’s first gallery exclusively dedicated to the photographic arts. Specifically designed to allow participation by all working photographers this exhibit will provide a dialogue between emerging photographers, students, professionals, educators and artists in Madison and across the country. In addition to cash prizes, the winning photographer will be awarded a future solo exhibition at the Steenbock Gallery.
Juror: Andy Adams of Flak Photo
Andy Adams is the Editor/Publisher of FlakPhoto.com, a contemporary photography website that celebrates the culture of image-making by promoting the discovery of artists from around the world. An online art space and photography publication, the site provides opportunities for a global community of artists and photo organizations to share new series work, book projects, and gallery exhibitions with a web-based photography audience.
Recent features include 3030 Press' New Photography In China, Humble Arts Foundation's 31 Under 31: Young Women in Art Photography, Hamburger Eyes Photo Magazine's Inside Burgerworld, the Photographic Resource Center’s EXPOSURE: The Annual PRC Juried Exhibition, Big City Press' Hijacked, Volume One: Australia andAmerica, Center's Review Santa Fe 2009, David Wright + Ethan Jones' Pause To Begin, the Center for Fine Art Photography's 2009 International Exhibition, Blurb’s Photography Book Now, and the Magenta Foundation's Flash Forward: Emerging Photographers 2009.
Nov. 15, 2010 Entry deadline
Dec. 1, 2010 Review of works
Jan. 7, 2011 Photographers notified
Feb. 24, 2011 All work delivered to gallery
Feb. 28-April 8, 2011 Exhibition Dates
March 4, 2011(6-9pm) Opening reception
April 9, 2011 Pick up of unsold work
April 11, 2011 Shipping pick up*
*Photographer schedules pick up of work with preferred shipper.
$500 cash prize and a solo exhibition at the Steenbock Gallery in 2012.
$250 cash prize
$100 cash prize
*Honorable mentions may be awarded at juror's discretion.
All accepted works must be at the Steenbock Gallery (hand delivery or shipped) by 4:30pm on February 24. Any pieces not received by this time will not be exhibited.
All unsold works must be picked up by 12noon on April 9. All unsold works must be picked up by shippers by 4:30pm on April 11. Artists are responsible for paying and arranging their own shipping.
Any additional, detailed shipping instructions will be sent later following notification of acceptance
Upon notification of acceptance, Artist agrees to:
•provide artwork that is ready to be hung:
2D work must be prepared with hanging wire.
3D work must sit sturdily on pedestal or floor.
*arrange pick-up of unsold artwork on either April 9 (for artist or buyer pick-ups) or April 11 (by artist designated shipping company.)
SIZE AND WEIGHT No work may exceed 5 ft. in any direction or be over 50 pounds in weight.
SALES: A 30% commission will be retained by the gallery on all sold works. Work remains the property of the artist until sold. Sold artwork shall remain in the exhibition until the close of the show.
INSURANCE: Artists should self-insure work during transit and while on exhibit.
INVITATION AND WEBSITE One image will be chosen for the invitation cover design. Images of accepted works and profiles of selected artists will be featured at http://www.steenbockcpm.blogspot.com.
[ ] CD: Up to 5 works submitted on CD. One jpeg per work, titled as name_number.jpg. Must be numbered to correspond with numbers on entry form. Jpegs should be 1000 pixels (minimum) In longest dimension, and at 300 dpi.
[ ] Entry form: Filled out completely and typed or printed clearly. Detach and return with CD and fee
[ ] Entry fee: Non-refundable fee of $25 payable by check, money order or cashier's check. Make payable to The Center for Photography at Madison, include Steenbock Juried Show in memo line.
[ ] SASE: Include a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of non-accepted material. CDs will not be returned without it.
Please do not include any additional or unrequested material.
AGREEMENT Signature gives artist's consent to all conditions specified in this prospectus. Submission of your entry grants CPM permission to use your artwork or reproduction of likeness in promotional materials for this exhibition.
Signature: ____________________________
Please send form to:
The Center for Photography at Madison
attn: 2011 Steenbock Juried Exhibition
303 South Paterson Street, Suite 2E
Madison Wl 53703
The Steenbock Gallery in the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences Arts & Letters.
1922 University Avenue
Madison Wl 53726
The Steenbock Gallery, sponsored and managed by the Center for Photography at Madison in partnership with the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, is dedicated to the exhibition, exploration and appreciation of the photographic arts. The Steenbock Gallery provides opportunities for photographers and curators, and serves as a forum for dialogue between artists educators, students and the public at large.
In 2008 The Center for Photography at Madison (CPM) partnered with the Wisconsin Academy for exhibit space. CPM is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1998, and offers a broad range of educational programs, exhibitions, facilities and publications. CPM offers classes, exhibit opportunities, and a wide variety of programs at its Paterson Street location.
The Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters is a non-profit organization whose goal Is to connect people and ideas from all areas of knowledge and all walks of life to celebrate thought, culture and nature in our state. The Steenbock is one of two galleries affiliated with the Academy, the other being the James Watrous Gallery.
Administration of the Steenbock Gallery makes CPM relevant and accessible to a wider audience including University of Wisconsin faculty and students. These mutually beneficial liaisons provide exhibition, curatorial, and administrative opportunities, and help make it Madison's first photo gallery devoted to the history, contemporary trends, and future expansion of photographic media and theory. Located in the Wisconsin Academy building, the Steenbock Is readily accessible to the UW campus and affiliated organizations, and the greater Madison area.
GALLERY HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Phone(CPM): 608.287.1182, (gallery): 608 263 1692
email steenbockcpm@gmail.com
blog http://www.steenbockcpm.blogspot.org
websites http://www.cpmad.org and http://www.wisconsinacademy.org